The Guide To A Well Hung Gallery Wall


Love the Gallery Wall look but don't know where to start?
Here is my simple guide to nailing it first time, every time!
Gallery walls are such unique and classic ways to add instant personality to your home.
Laying out your gallery wall is the first step...
Frames - Don't be afraid to use an assortment of different frame finishes and sizes, this is going to add interest and introduce organic shapes into your gallery wall.
Artwork - Create a cohesive colour palette. Try to keep to pieces with the same tone and intensity. Get creative and use a mix of mediums (photos, artwork or even something vintage). I've even been known to use beautiful vintage Moroccan tiles, fixed directly to wall (no frame here). This was something a little quirky that worked so well.
Spacing - I recommend the spacing between each frame to be 30mm – 50mm apart.
Make paper templates - Using newspaper or brown paper, trace your frames and then cut them out. These will be your guides that you can use for experimenting with the lay out.
Play around with all the art placements for as long as you like, moving things around with no fear of wall damage. I use tape to temporarily adhere my cut outs onto the wall and move them around until I love the layout. This is the key to making sure that your art grouping looks good together and allows you to tweak the configuration easily to make it just perfect!
Tips for forming your layout
Ok, there are two ways I like to start here. I call these layout styles the "INTERNAL GRID LAYOUT" and the "EXTERNAL GRID LAYOUT".
It basically determines how you form the structure of your gallery wall.
Hard to explain... so I've made a little graphic!

Placement - Go BIG! Start with something large towards the center of your wall. Having at least one large piece can really anchor the gallery wall. Then go for it... mix and match, and play around with all the different sizes until YOU love it.
Here are a few gallery ideas using my current artwork collection.

Kookaburra (sage) in A2, Kangaroo (sand) in A2, Cockatoo (light) in A3, Galah (sage) in A4, Native Gum (sand) in A4
